
Welcome to Kumamoto Kokufu High School.

◆Welcome, or welcome back◆             by Takata Norikiyo, principal
 Welcome to Kokufu High School. We have opened the Internet shopping mall, “Kokufu Manabiya” since 2011. This is the shopping mall that our students have managed. On our school site, we are providing many kinds of products in Kumamoto Prefecture.
 We have been engaged in this project in order to promote the development of human resources that can actively pursue the future business by managing “Kokufu Manabiya”. This is our challenge with which our students contribute to the promotion of local industry by their commercial activities, such as opening shops and marketing, cooperating with companies.
 One of our goals is to communicate information about Kumamoto Prefecture to the world. We would like to communicate more and more to the world both in English and in Japanese.
 I would like many of you to access our site. I am looking forward to your click. 

 皆さん、こんにちは 熊本国府高等学校 校長 高田憲清です。

◆Educational goal◆
Our goal is to educate the total individual, encompassing the harmonious development of intellectual, moral, social, and physical abilities.


◆Precept ◆
For the goal above we have three school precepts, ‘ politeness’, ‘creativity’, and ‘independence.

「礼節 創造 自立」 建学の精神を実現するために、学校生活の規範として「礼節 創造 自立」の校訓が定められています。

Kumamoto Kokufu High School was founded as Kumamoto Girls’ Commercial School at Suizenji, Kumamoto by Kumamoto Chamber of Commerce in 1941.A Japanese actress, Izumi Masako and 10 students made the Arctic expedition in 1993. We changed the name ‘Kumamoto Girls’ Commercial High School’ to ‘Kumamoto Kokufu High School’ in 1994, and the next year we started coeducation. We revised three courses; commercial, computer and general course, to two courses; business and general course in 2009.

1993年(平成 5年):女優の和泉雅子さんと生徒10名が北極遠征
1994年(平成 6年):普通科を設置,学校法人泉心学園
1995年(平成 7年):男女共学となり、男子1期生入学

◆What is Kokufu? ◆
Our name ‘Kokufu’ is from a provincial capital, Kokufu, which was the center of government, commerce, economy and culture around the eighth century. We had the hard time we could not hold our graduation ceremony during the Second World War. At present, more than 1,000 students are enrolled in two courses, receiving computer and manner education and attending club activities.

High School Life

◆General and Business Course◆
General course is further classified into five courses: ‘general’, ‘advanced’, ‘super advanced’, ‘athlete’ and ‘public service’ course. Business course is also classified into four courses: ‘computer science’, ‘marketing’, ‘financial’, and ‘public service’ course. We provide these courses to adequately develop students’ interests, abilities and aptitudes, future career.


◆The activities of Internet shopping mall "Kokuhu Manabiya"◆
Internet shopping mall  "Kokuhu Manabiya"

1. To promote the development of human resources that can take full advantage of the Internet in the rapidly evolving world.
2. To promote the development of human resources that can actively pursue the future business by managing “Kokufu Manabiya” .
3. To enrich the site “Kokufu Manabiya” with possibilities of students, communicating information about Kumamoto Prefecture to the world.

◆ Purpose◆
1. To cultivate operational capability, problem-solving ability, spontaneity and creativity
by learning the significance of the business and its activities.
2. To acquire knowledge and technology related to e-commerce, advertising and public relations through the communication network.
3. To contribute to the promotion of local industry by understanding the recent economic and commercial activities in the technological globalization.

Our students run Kokufu Manabiya, the Internet shopping mall.
They are engaged in such business activities as opening shops, updating and managing the Web page for the listed products.

Shop. ・・・ We will post the goods to sell.
Advertising. ・・・ We will update shop news and event information.
Banner advertising・・・We will include a link to the shop at the upper right on Kokufu Manabiya site.
Gourmet information・・・ We will introduce Kumamoto gourmet information recommended.
State of activity活動の様子
State of activity活動の様子
State of activity活動の様子
State of activity活動の様子
State of activity活動の様子
State of activity活動の様子

Internet shopping mall  "Kokuhu Manabiya"
0.7mmballpoint pen.
Made in Aso Kumamoto prefecture made of cedar wood,Oguni-sugi.Mitsubishi Co.,Ltd.
Sales Price:2,100yen(tax included)
Exchange rate $1=¥122
(July 7,2015 currently)

三菱鉛筆 故郷の木持ち 熊本県産 小国杉ボールペン
為替相場 $1=¥122

Contact Us
Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture, Chuo-ku, Kokufu2-chome, 15-1
FAX 096-364-8544

FAX 096-364-8544
kumamoto kokufu high school